Of all the technologies we’ve developed, I am most thankful for the simple capture of the ordered clashing of subatomic particles we know as electricity. It is the foundation of our communications, industry, nearly everything we create and do, and in nature the force that drives life itself. Without electricity Earth would be a barren […]
July 29, 2014
July 29, 2014
Most people my age are suffering from various pains, illness or malady, I am thankful for the physical strength to follow the challenges and wonders life brings to me. And of course, SURF! Thankful for all the events in my life, good or bad, and the lessons they have taught me. When I was open […]
February 27, 2010
"A nation’s progress can be judged by how they treat their animals." -Gandhi Nefertitti and Cleopatra, both Siamese, both "runts" and the smallest cats ever . . . . About mid September 2009 my wife took our cat, Nefertitti, for a regular checkup at the Valley Animal Hospital in Grants Pass. Neffi is a small […]