
Do you believe in fairies?

Neither do I. But if I did, their earthly forms would be hummingbirds.

We have a hummingbird feeder on our back patio, under which I learned that cheeping sound is not an insect, it's the chirp of a hummingbird. Where I found that my hair must look like a flower or something, because they are always trying to land in it whether I'm wrenching on the weedeater, firing up the barbecue, or patching the dings in my surfboard.

Where I learned that the greatest pleasures in life come from the appreciation of the smallest things.

Original Size:
24" X 18"
Available Sizes:
  • Original at 24" X 18"
  • 24" X 18" prints
  • 16" X 12" prints
  • 8.5" X 11" prints
  • 5" X 7" cards
Completion Date:
January 1, 2015



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