We live in a throw-away world, one we are leaving for our children and grandchildren to inherit. The...
I am far too technical most times, everything must be planned and there has to be an end goal. Retentive, perfectionist, legend in my own mind, whatever label you want to hang on it, it's one of the things that restricts me, and too often.
Mirror Lake is nothing special, it's actually quite boring and mediocre, but what is special about it to me: it is one of those times I didn't plan, I didn't have a goal, I just taped down some paper, mixed up some color, and let the watercolor do the talking. No sketch, nothing in mind, wherever it ends up, even if it's the fire pit, I let it happen.
It was scary, intimidating, exhilarating and liberating all at the same time. I need to do it more often.
We live in a throw-away world, one we are leaving for our children and grandchildren to inherit. The...
Who doesn’t remember the first time your kite takes to the sky, higher and higher into an infi...
That look, the intense glare of Siamese blue eyes. If looks could kill . . . truth be told, her coat...
I have never really been drawn to creating landscape paintings. I do them now and then but it always...